Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Welcome to Yoga with Chelsea


-strengthen easefully and naturally
-ease physical and mental tension
-balance and nuetralize emotions
-improve sleep, digestion, stress
-for ALL body types, ages and background

Chelsea is a vibrant, 27 year old yogini
who uses the ancient teachings of asana
(physical postures), pranayama (breathing practices)
and sitting meditation. She blends
ancient wisdom with contemporary practice
and cultivates and encourages a creative, but
anatomically based approach to yoga.

Chelsea currently teaches at Escape Salon in Riverdale,
Abrons Art Center, Integral Yoga, East West Yoga on 5th Ave,
and privately throughout the five boroughs
and at her private studio in Astoria.

Private lessons are lovingly customized
to one's specific needs. Consider lessons for
the whole family, classroom, and work place.

$50 Astoria
$65-$125 off site

please contact chelseayoga@yahoo.com

1 comment:

K A M A N I Y A said...

Ooo, look at this beautiful blog! May I add the address to the Music Nation promo I did for you on mine?

So wonderful to see you spreading your love far & wide! Your artwork is so divine, I love the yogini sitting atop the mountain peak, so dreeeeamy....

WIll add you to my Blog Buddies module on my page...

Big hugs to you, Sea!

Love, Kamaniya